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ICR-OS 6.2.9 Released

Written by Roman Peťura, Wednesday 7 April 2021

A new version of ICR-OS (Conel OS), firmware for the Advantech routers, is out!

Being a patch-level release brings mainly a number of improvements and updates. It includes security fixes for one high, two medium, one low, and a few not-classified severity vulnerabilities. You are welcome to check out the Release Notes for the detailed changelog.

A few highlighted points from the changelog:

  • The mobile WAN status page was enhanced with new fields reporting parameters of the RSSI, RSRP, RSRQ, RSCP, Ec/Io, and the frequency band number.
  • Support for new programs: basename, cut, dirname, printf, readlink, realpath. For more details about these programs, see the Commands and Scripts application note.
  • Updated curl, OpenSSL, and FTP service software due to security reasons.

For details about the distributed firmware versions per particular router have a look into the Firmware Distribution Overview document.

The latest firmware version is available, as always, on the Firmware page or on the Router Models pages.