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ICR-OS 6.3.11 Firmware Release

Written by Roman Peťura, Saturday 24 February 2024

Latest Release Overview

A new firmware version, dedicated to the v2 product line, has been released.

Detailed Changelog

For a comprehensive understanding of the advancements and modifications, we recommend consulting the Release Notes.

Major Enhancements

  1. CPU & Memory Usage Information: The router's web interface now displays real-time CPU and memory usage statistics, offering immediate insights into system performance.
  2. RTC Settings for GUI: Introduces a user-friendly feature for synchronizing the router's clock with the web browser, ensuring accurate time settings.
  3. WiFi AP Radio Settings Adjustment: Enables the WiFi Access Point to dynamically adjust its radio settings to match those of the connected foreign AP, enhancing compatibility and performance.
  4. SIP ALG Support: Adds support for SIP Application-Layer Gateway, improving VoIP communication by facilitating smoother traversal of SIP packets through the router.
  5. Additional Improvements: Incorporates various other fixes and enhancements to further refine existing features and functionalities.
  6. Security Fixes: Addresses security vulnerabilities across different severity levels, bolstering the router's defense against potential threats.
