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Written by Miloslav Bien, Wednesday 1 June 2022

Pleased to share the information we have made a connection to WebAccess/DMP even more intuitive and easier for all router users. We also serve customer requests for zero-touch provisioning and management via our Advantech WebAccess/DMP platform. Visit the WebAccess/DMP webpage for more information and ideas this advanced enterprise-grade platform solution for provisioning, monitoring, managing, and configuring Advantech routers and IoT gateways would bring to you.

Connection from routers to WebAccess/DMP is to be activated for all routers of the v2i platform, v3 platform, and v4 platform directly in production. The production plan is divided into two stages – from 31. 5. 2022 activation from production is to be available for SmartStart, SmartFlex, and SmartMotion routers and for the rest of the routers from 30. 9. 2022. From those dates on there is also no reason for ordering router PN´s ending with -SWH. We keep those PN´s in the database for some time but the routers ordered with "-SWH" extension will be completely the same as the routers ordered without "-SWH" extension in PN – it means all with connection to WebAccess/DMP activated.

The routers produced after the above-mentioned dates upon the first start display a welcome window in the web configuration interface with selection options to keep the router connected to WebAccess/DMP cloud system located on the Internet or disable the connection. Based on customer choice "Agree/Disagree" router keeps connection/disable connection to the system.  

WADMP Client Welcome Screen

Not sure if you want to keep the connection of the router? Never mind. When the "Disagree"option is selected and the router is disconnected from WebAccess/DMP you can change this decision by enabling connection via the web interface of the router any time later. If you select the "Agree" option or enable connection later via the web interface of the router then you get the router connected to WebAccess/DMP cloud.

Is there anything to know what staying connected represents to me? By beside advanced features that help you to control and manage the routers via WebAccess/DMP, there is important to know that the activated client periodically uploads router identifiers and configuration to the WebAccess/DMP server generating data overhead to your standard communication. Details on data usage you can check here that provide a comprehensive summary of that topic.

In the end, wish you a great experience with advanced WebAccess/DMP features. Just remind you can connect up to 5 routers for free into WebAccess/DMP to "taste" the system. In the testing mode, you have enabled a full set of features except for alerts and API options. Those features are available just when you decide on paid Premium WebAccess/DMP version. 

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