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WebAccess/VPN 1.1.0 released

Written by Jan Otte, Wednesday 18 March 2020

After the initial release of WebAccess/VPN last year and a patchlevel 1.0.1 version we follow with a minor release 1.1.0.

The WebAccess/VPN is a VPN management solution - a tool that can help you setup and organize secure network (or multiple secure networks) of routers and devices connected to the routers. You can read introductory information at WebAccess/VPN page and also follow to more documentation describing system principles, operation and usage.

The 1.1.0 release brings several improvements. For details, please check out 1.1.0 release notes, the following is just a highlights summary:

  • Standalone clients are no longer privileged. The StandAlone clients (e.g. a server/NB running the standard OpenVPN client and connecting to the WA/VPN as StandAlone) are no longer running in privileged mode. Since 1.1.0 they can be managed in the same fashion as routers - limited access to a particular set of networks etc.
  • Proxy access to connected devices. Following a way of providing proxy to the router, proxy to the device connected to router LAN can be set up now.
  • Prevalidation support. In case you have a number of devices you know and can recognize in advance, you can provide a prevalidation file to the system. Once a prevalidated device connects to the WA/VPN for the first time, it is allowed to the system without a validation step. Note you still need to assign the device to a particular network or set of networks.
  • LAN bridge mode can be used on router's LANs (for LANs that are allowed to connect to WA/VPN).
  • Several more features for controlling access to devices etc. See release notes for full list.

Already running a WebAccess/VPN product and want to upgrade? No problem, just keep in mind that the you have to upgrade to 1.0.1 prior to upgrading to 1.1.0 if you are running the original 1.0.0 version. For more details on upgrade please refer to the release notes or application note. The upgrade packages can be found on the WebAccess/VPN page.